Product and Technologies
NXF – direct Nanofiltration Technology that disables many steps in wastewater recovery applications / Webinar
NXF – direct Nanofiltration Technology that disables many steps in wastewater recovery applications / Webinar

NXF – direct Nanofiltration Technology that disables many steps in wastewater recovery applications / Webinar.

Technical Webinar Content: NF technology for wastewater recovery applications. Technical information on Hollow Fiber Direct NF technology and cas studies

For the registration::

Company: NX Filtration - Netherlands

Date: 25 November 2021 Thursday

Time: 10:00 - 11:30

Microsoft Teams


Şebnem Aybige Barlas

Vice President

Burcu Kaleli Öztürk

Ökotek Technical Coordinator

Participation is free and limited by quota.

Participants will be given a certificate of participation after the training.